Yorkton Day 3 2022


Day 3 - June 5

Yorkton Classic

Day 3 Heats

Heat Barrel Driver Sponsor Time Penalty Penalty Breakdown Total Time
1 1 W2 Dallas Dyck Precision Contractors 1:04.58 1:04.58
2 W2 Todd Baptiste Oly’s Trading Post 1:05.93 1:05.93
2 4 W2 Logan Gorst Meadow Lake Chrysler 1:03.11 1:03.11
1 W2 DJ King Yorkton Tribal Council 1:16.80 1:16.80
2 W2 Jamie Laboucane Paradise Hill Ranch & Western Wear & Wild Rows Pump & Compression 1:04.19 1:04.19
3 3 Leslie Memnook All Nations Building Supplies 1:10.29 1:10.29
4 Michael Memnook Runs Plumbing 1:16.37 21 seconds WMBB, WAB 1:37.37
1 Jason McCallum Waring Farms 1:11.35 1:11.35
4 2 Louis Stanley Louis’ Outlaws “Nobles” 1:08.92 1:08.92
3 Duane Antoine Garin Farms 1:05.76 1:05.76
4 Jamie Tom Tomtruck 1:04.11 1 second LO 1:05.11
5 1 Colby Stanley Onion Lake Cree Nation Group of Companies Co. 1:05.53 6 seconds OMBB, OFF 1:11.53
2 Rocky Bremner Mosquito Grizzly Bear Head Lean Man First Nation 1:09.75 29 seconds WMBB, LO, WI-I-O(8) 1:38.75
3 Calvin Fiddler KRE Welding Ltd. 1:06.51 1:06.51
6 4 Kale Lajeunesse Sausages Soldiers 1:04.45 1:04.45
1 Glen Myette Barrier Lake 1:06.14 1:06.14
2 Randall Stanley Randall’s Ramblers 1:05.63 9 seconds OMBB, OFF, FS, SNL 1:14.63
7 3 Devin Mitsuing Yorkton Tribal Council 1:04.25 1:04.25
4 Dallas Dyck Precision Asiskiy 1:05.27 1:05.27
1 Robby Ethier Friends of the E Team 1:08.10 1:08.10
8 2 Luke Tournier North Fork Ranch 1:05.20 1:05.20
3 Kris Flanagan Pevach Corp 1:06.20 1:06.20
4 Preston Faithful PKP Mechanical 1:04.26 1 second LO 1:05.26
9 1 Danny Ringuette Superior Concrete Pumping 1:03.75 1:03.75
2 DJ King Yorkton Tribal Council 1:05.45 1:05.45
3 Logan Gorst Baker Tilly & Rocky Mountain Equipment 1:04.61 1:04.61
10 4 Todd Baptiste SORE Oilfield 1:03.79 1:03.79
1 Ryan Baptiste Sunchild Law 1:05.22 5 seconds 1:10.22
2 Jamie Laboucane Davco Industrial Construction Services 1:04.80 1:04.80


Day 3 Results

Position Driver Sponsor TOTAL
1 W2 Logan Gorst Meadow Lake Chrysler 01:03.11
2 Danny Ringuette Superior Concrete Pumping 01:03.75
3 Todd Baptiste SORE Oilfield 01:03.79
4 W2 Jamie Laboucane Wild Rows Pump & Compression 01:04.19
5 Devin Mitsuing Yorkton Tribal Council 01:04.25
6 Kale Lajeunesse Sausages Soldiers 01:04.45
7 W2 Dallas Dyck Precision Contractors 01:04.58
8 Logan Gorst Baker Tilly & Rocky Mountain Equipment 01:04.61
9 Jamie Laboucane Davco Industrial Construction Services 01:04.80
10 Jamie Tom Tomtruck 01:05.11
11 Luke Tournier North Fork Ranch 01:05.20
12 Preston Faithful PKP Mechanical 01:05.26
13 Dallas Dyck Precision Asiskiy 01:05.27
14 DJ King Yorkton Tribal Council 01:05.45
15 Duane Antoine Garin Farms 01:05.76
16 W2 Todd Baptiste Oly’s Trading Post 01:05.93
17 Glen Myette Barrier Lake 01:06.14
18 Kris Flanagan Pevach Corp 01:06.20
19 Calvin Fiddler KRE Welding Ltd. 01:06.51
20 Robby Ethier Friends of the E Team 01:08.10
21 Louis Stanley Louis’ Outlaws “Nobles” 01:08.92
22 Ryan Baptiste Sunchild Law 01:10.22
23 Leslie Memnook All Nations Building Supplies 01:10.29
24 Jason McCallum Waring Farms 01:11.35
25 Colby Stanley Onion Lake Cree Nation Group of Companies Co. 01:11.53
26 Randall Stanley Randall’s Ramblers 01:14.63
27 W2 DJ King Yorkton Tribal Council 01:16.80
28 Michael Memnook Rons Plumbing & Heating 01:37.37
29 Rocky Bremner Mosquito Grizzly Bear Head Lean Man First Nation 01:38.75
Penalty Code Key
WSAH Wagon Starting Ahead of Horn
WMB Wagon Missed Barrel
WKB Wagon Kocked Barrel
WI Wagon Interference
WAB Wagon Ahead of Barrel
SOG Stove Off Ground
SNL Stove Not Loaded
SLBH Stove Loaded Before Horn
ORH Outrider Helping
OMB Outrider Missed Barrel
OKB Outrider Kocked Barrel
OH Outside Help
OFF Outrider Failing to Finish
OALT Outrider Ahead of Lead Team
LO Late Outrider
FS False  Start
WGAWB Wagon Going Around Wrong Barrel